2017: The Year of King? THE MIST TV series trailer debuts

April 12, 2017 The Librarian 0

It’s 2017 but Stephen King properties are as hot now as they were back in the 1980s. With the much-anticipated feature film adaptations of The Dark Tower and IT dropping in August and September of this year, respectively, and several new book announcements from the author himself, King’s work is experiencing something of a second renaissance (though he’s never really been out of the mainstream spotlight during the course of his lengthy and prolific career). Of course, [READ MORE]

NOTES FROM THE WEB: Sleeping Beauties, Tim Lebbon, and more!

March 30, 2017 The Librarian 0

Welcome to our first edition of Notes From the Web, a summary of cool/interesting/noteworthy stuff happening online in the world of horror. Not everything can be a full blog post, after all! * * * SLEEPING BEAUTIES Excerpt and Cover Reveal Over at Entertainment Weekly, you can read an excerpt from the upcoming collaboration between Stephen King and his son Owen. The plot of the novel is described on Amazon as: “In a future so real [READ MORE]

The IT trailer arrives… and the Librarian reminisces

March 29, 2017 The Librarian 0

IT holds a dear spot in my heart, and when I say that I mean both Stephen King’s epic, sprawling 1986 novel and the 1990 TV miniseries. I discovered the book around age thirteen, at the height of my adolescent Stephen King obsession (I read his entire oeuvre up until that point in a period of slightly under two years). The telefilm hit the airwaves the year after. I don’t remember how I convinced my dad to let [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with STEPHEN JONES

October 31, 2016 The Librarian 0

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! It’s finally the best day of the year. We hope you’re all decked out in your spookiest costumes and ready for lots and lots of candy. Here to celebrate it with us, and to conclude our special 31 Days of Halloween launch month feature, is critically acclaimed, world-renowned horror editor/writer Stephen Jones. Based in London, England, Jones is a Hugo Award nominee, three-time World Fantasy Award winner, three-time International Horror Guild Award winner, [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with MICHAEL MARSHALL SMITH

October 27, 2016 The Librarian 0

When I originally cast out the net for horror writers to participate in 31 Days of Halloween, I wasn’t sure what kind of response I was going to get. After all, it’s the busy season for those of us who prefer the darker side of life. Same goes for last weekend, when I put out another call for the few spots that had opened up over the course of the month. In both instances, I ended [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with SEPHERA GIRON

October 21, 2016 The Librarian 0

Today I welcome Sèphera Girón, another friend and colleague, into the Library for 31 Days of Halloween. We work together on the Great Lakes Horror Company Podcast (which you can tune in to on iTunes or right here on Library of the Damned) and on other various initiatives for the Ontario Chapter of the Horror Writers Association, of which she’s our chapter head. But most of you probably know Sèphera first and foremost as an author. As her bio [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with ANDY BURNS

October 12, 2016 The Librarian 0

While it’s always nice to have visitors in the Library, today we’re going to bring things a little closer to home with a 31 Days of Halloween discussion with my friend and Rue Morgue colleague Andy Burns, who is also Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of Biff Bam Pop! and the author of Wrapped in Plastic: Twin Peaks. * * * 31 Days of Halloween… with Andy Burns Describe a time when a scene in a horror novel really unnerved you [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with HAL BODNER

October 12, 2016 The Librarian 0

Up until now, we’ve been mixing a little introduction and a little biography for the intros to our 31 Days of Halloween interviews, but today we’re going to change it up a bit and just run our interviewee Hal Bodner’s bio as supplied to us. Why? Because it’s a great bio, and it seems like a sin to paraphrase it. Okay, here we go… Hal Bodner is a Bram Stoker Award nominated author, best known for his [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with GEMMA FILES

October 10, 2016 The Librarian 0

It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada and we at the Library are thankful for many things – good friends, good food, good health, good healthcare (forget that nonsense Trump spouted at last night’s debate) – but we should aim to keep things bookish, so let’s just say: Currently, we’re thankful for female horror writers and all those who work toward greater diversity in our genre, in general. Which brings us to today’s installment of 31 Days of [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with MARIA ALEXANDER

October 7, 2016 The Librarian 0

It’s Friday! And it didn’t slip by on me this week. Since it’s always kind of dark here in the Library, the days have a tendency to blur together – I know, I know, get out more, stop getting lost in all the books. But, but, the to-be-read pile, so hulking, so threatening to crush me… Anyway, speaking of Friday and books, it’s also that day of the week where folks on social media (okay, Twitter mostly) [READ MORE]

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