31 Days of Halloween… with STEPHEN JONES

October 31, 2016 The Librarian 0

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! It’s finally the best day of the year. We hope you’re all decked out in your spookiest costumes and ready for lots and lots of candy. Here to celebrate it with us, and to conclude our special 31 Days of Halloween launch month feature, is critically acclaimed, world-renowned horror editor/writer Stephen Jones. Based in London, England, Jones is a Hugo Award nominee, three-time World Fantasy Award winner, three-time International Horror Guild Award winner, [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with JEMIAH JEFFERSON

October 30, 2016 The Librarian 0

And now for today’s second victim… um… sorry… I mean, guest. I first discovered Jemiah Jefferson and her work roughly ten years ago; she writes vampire books and needless to say I have a huge soft spot for bloodsuckers. Seriously, I can’t get enough of them. Ever. While Jemiah hasn’t been quite as prolific in recent years, her Voice of Blood series (Voice of the Blood, Wounds, Fiend and A Drop of Scarlet) remains well worth tracking down. [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with NATE SOUTHARD

October 30, 2016 The Librarian 0

We have another double-installment Sunday coming your way today as we head into our final three 31 Days of Halloween interviews. First up, I’m happy to welcome Nate Southard to the Library. His presence here is especially fitting since he wrote a scene that would be on my own top ten list of unnerving reads (the slow, agonizing loss of illumination in This Little Light of Mine, while hungry monsters wait in the shadows, creeping [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with HANK SCHWAEBLE

October 28, 2016 The Librarian 0

On the eve of the release of his latest novel The Angel of the Abyss (which drops on Halloween from Australia’s Cohesion Press), we are pleased to welcome Hank Schwaeble to the 31 Days of Halloween festivities. He’s also the author of Damnable, Diabolical,  the well-received horror noir collection American Nocturne, and number of short stories. Personally, I love that for the “scariest scene he’s read” question Hank’s chosen a book/author that’s unfamiliar to me, because [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with MICHAEL MARSHALL SMITH

October 27, 2016 The Librarian 0

When I originally cast out the net for horror writers to participate in 31 Days of Halloween, I wasn’t sure what kind of response I was going to get. After all, it’s the busy season for those of us who prefer the darker side of life. Same goes for last weekend, when I put out another call for the few spots that had opened up over the course of the month. In both instances, I ended [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with NICK MAMATAS

October 26, 2016 The Librarian 0

Today’s 31 Days of Halloween entry is short and sweet, and comes in the form of two quick answers from author/editor Nick Mamatas, the man behind the novels Move Under Ground, The Last Weekend and I Am Providence, as well as several others. If you haven’t sampled Mamatas’ fiction yet, which straddles the genres of horror, sci-fi and fantasy, I recommend starting with the recently released I Am Providence (available from Night Shade Books) and working [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with ALYS ARDEN

October 25, 2016 The Librarian 0

Alys Arden’s story of breaking onto the writing scene is the stuff that dreams are made of. Travelling a lot for work, she felt she needed a hobby and decided to try her hand at novel writing. She posted an early draft of The Casquette Girls – about a centuries-long conflict between witches and vampires in New Orleans – on Wattpad.com, where it caught fire. And rightly so, it’s a superb young adult novel, thick with [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with STEPHEN VOLK

October 24, 2016 The Librarian 0

Seven more sleeps till Halloween! Sorry, had to get that out of my system. As we approach the final week of 31 Days of Halloween, it is an immense pleasure to welcome Stephen Volk, “the BAFTA-winning writer of the notorious BBC TV ‘Hallowe’en hoax’ Ghostwatch,” to the Library. Volk’s other screenplays include The Awakening and Ken Russell’s Gothic, and the award-winning ITV drama series Afterlife. While North American audiences are likely to know him primarily from his television and film work mentioned above, he’s [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with JOHN SKIPP

October 23, 2016 The Librarian 0

Today’s second victim… ummm… I mean 31 Days of Halloween interviewee is author/editor/filmmaker John Skipp. Yes, you could call this an indie film two-fer, but John’s here for much more than just his exploits in movie-making. He’s one of the splatterpunk pioneers, co-authoring a number of gory horror novels with Craig Spector in the late ’80s and early ’90s. More recently, he’s released several books on his own (among them The Long Last Call and Conscience), co-written [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with LYNNE HANSEN

October 23, 2016 The Librarian 0

You may have noticed that we didn’t have a 31 Days of Halloween yesterday. That’s on me. Out-of-town signing, car trouble, errands, toddler – simply no chance to make it to the computer. Apologies! But hey, it means you get the double the awesomeness today. Starting with our conversation with author, screenwriter, filmmaker and super fabulous advocate for girls who want to make movies, Lynne Hansen. Her short film Chomp just took home another award this [READ MORE]

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