31 Days of Halloween… with JESS PEACOCK

October 6, 2016 The Librarian 0

You’ll notice that the tagline of our site does not say “horror fiction.” That’s because here at the Library have an appreciation for non-fiction as well. Hell, we even like poetry. The good stuff anyway. But for today’s installment of 31 Days of Halloween, we’re pleased to add a more academic voice to the discussion. Jess Peacock is the author of Such a Dark Thing: Theology of the Vampire Narrative in Popular Culture from Wipf and [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with JANET JOYCE HOLDEN

October 3, 2016 The Librarian 0

For the last two days, the boys have been having all the fun, talking about what literary tales of terror have had them shivering, shaking and quaking. So for today’s installment of 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN we’re changing it up and picking the brain of Janet Joyce Holden, author of the vampire series Origins of Blood (Crossroads Press), novels Carousel and its sequel The Only Red Is Blood (Omnium Gatherum), and a number of short stories [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with JOHN PALISANO

October 2, 2016 The Librarian 0

The second victim… um… no, that’s not right… I mean… volunteer for this month’s “31 Days of Halloween/Scary Stories” launch event is Stoker Award-winning author John Palisano, whose short stories have appeared in anthologies from PS Publishing, Terror Tales, Lovecraft eZine, Horror Library, Bizarro Pulp, Written Backwards, Dark Continents, Darkscribe, DarkFuse, Dark House, and many more. His novels Dust of the Dead and Ghost Heart are available from Samhain; Nerves is out from Bad Moon; and Starlight Drive: [READ MORE]

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