Talking REJECTION LETTERS on the Great Lakes Horror Company

This month we’re pulling back the veil on writing life with an episode on rejection letters. Every writer gets ’em, every editor has to send ’em out. Find out from our panel of experts, including Sephera Giron, Julianne Snow, Danann Hawes and Andrew Robertson (editor of the Group Hex volumes), what you should and shouldn’t do when someone says “Thanks, but no thanks” to your story.

Also, hear the crazy rejection statistics behind some of the world’s best-selling books. Find out how many times Lord of the Flies, Carrie, Dune, Twilight and more were rejected before they ended up in bookstores everywhere.

The second half of the episode features Jason White in conversation with Bram Stoker Award-winning author John Palisano.

Listen below, or subscribe on iTunes.


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