Sunday School: Two Lessons from Stoker Award-Winning Authors

July 2, 2017 Crystal Bourque 0

This year’s Stoker Award ceremony was held in Long Beach, California aboard the Queen Mary—one of the world’s most haunted ships. During the ceremony, horror author, Tom Deady received the Superior Achievement in a First Novel for Haven and, “word slinger”, Maria Alexander received the Superior Achievement in a Young Adult novel for, Snowed. We highly recommend that you check out both of these authors and their books! In the meantime, Tom and Maria were [READ MORE]

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Lessons Learned from Rejection

May 28, 2017 Crystal Bourque 0

On our most recent podcast episode, Sephera Giron, Andrew Robertson, Julianne Snow and Dannen Hawes sat down to chat about every writer’s worst nightmare: rejection. While the discussion revealed all kinds of great tips on how to deal with rejection, things got really interesting when the panel addressed their favourite rejection letter/experience. The consensus remained clear: getting rejected sucks, but each writer survived and even learned a thing or two (or three) from the experience [READ MORE]