31 Days of Halloween… with LISA MORTON

October 15, 2016 The Librarian 0

Halloween draws ever closer. Do you have your costumes? Your candy? Your party tickets? Are you ready? Or are you more like us denizens of the Library, where it’s Halloween all year round? No matter if you’re a part-time or full-time devotee to the spooking season, Halloween expert Lisa Morton is a name you should know. She’s the author of Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween, A Halloween Anthology: Literary and Historical Writings Over [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with LOREN RHOADS

October 14, 2016 The Librarian 0

Way back before I worked in horror, I became aware of Loren Rhoads through her fascinating magazine Morbid Curiosity, which I regularly sought out at my local Tower Records. Sadly, Morbid Curiosity like that Tower Records store is no more, but the curious-minded can still pick up its book version, Morbid Curiosity Cures the Blues. In recent years, Loren has turned her attention to cemeteries (in travelogue-style pieces) and fiction. She’s the co-author (with Brian Thomas) of [READ MORE]

GREAT LAKES HORROR COMPANY: Author Branding Pt. 2 – Cover Art

October 14, 2016 The Librarian 0

On Pt. 2 of the GREAT LAKES HORROR COMPANY series on Author Branding, the panelists discuss the dos and don’ts of horror cover art – and the horrors of having a terrible cover. The show also explores how much input an author can expect to have during the cover design process, and looks at the key differences between being published in the small press or by a bigger house. Lastly, this episode provides a how-to on [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with DAVE SIMMS

October 13, 2016 The Librarian 0

Here at the Library we’ve always had a huge, soft, dark spot on our hearts for young adult horror. That might be because I grew up in the years before it became the gigantic industry it is today, or it might be because when it comes my fiction-writing heart, YA is my jam. But whatever the case, the Library fully endorses and champions teen (and children’s) terror tomes. Today, we welcome our first YA author [READ MORE]

In Case You Missed It: JACK KETCHUM: MIXTAPE N° 434

October 13, 2016 The Librarian 0

This really cool item popped up on the the web last week and I haven’t seen it get a lot of attention, so welcome to our first installment of “In Case You Missed It,” where we spotlight something book-/author-related that has either fallen under the radar or just hasn’t gotten the attention we think it deserves. So, I know you’re wondering, what exactly is this “Jack Ketchum: Mixtape N° 434” we speak of? Well, it’s [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with ANDY BURNS

October 12, 2016 The Librarian 0

While it’s always nice to have visitors in the Library, today we’re going to bring things a little closer to home with a 31 Days of Halloween discussion with my friend and Rue Morgue colleague Andy Burns, who is also Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of Biff Bam Pop! and the author of Wrapped in Plastic: Twin Peaks. * * * 31 Days of Halloween… with Andy Burns Describe a time when a scene in a horror novel really unnerved you [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with HAL BODNER

October 12, 2016 The Librarian 0

Up until now, we’ve been mixing a little introduction and a little biography for the intros to our 31 Days of Halloween interviews, but today we’re going to change it up a bit and just run our interviewee Hal Bodner’s bio as supplied to us. Why? Because it’s a great bio, and it seems like a sin to paraphrase it. Okay, here we go… Hal Bodner is a Bram Stoker Award nominated author, best known for his [READ MORE]

Colour the ZOMBIE ‘POCALYPSE today!

October 11, 2016 The Librarian 0

Colouring books for grown-ups have been all the rage these last few years, but it seems the trend is now starting to wriggle its way into the world of horror, as evidenced here by Uncle Glenny’s Zombie ‘Pocalypse by celebrated genre illustrator Glenn Chadbourne and Dave Hinchberger. “I love zombies,” writes “Uncle Glenny” in the book’s introduction. “I’ve loved them in all their many forms since I was a carpet crawler (or, ‘youngwun’ as they [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with GEMMA FILES

October 10, 2016 The Librarian 0

It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada and we at the Library are thankful for many things – good friends, good food, good health, good healthcare (forget that nonsense Trump spouted at last night’s debate) – but we should aim to keep things bookish, so let’s just say: Currently, we’re thankful for female horror writers and all those who work toward greater diversity in our genre, in general. Which brings us to today’s installment of 31 Days of [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with KEALAN PATRICK BURKE

October 9, 2016 The Librarian 0

Yesterday we ventured out of the Library in the search of some Halloween decorations. The Library can never be spooky enough, after all – and not just at Halloween! We were soon mortified to discover that the skeletons, pumpkins, witches and spiders were now sharing shelf space with, gasp, wait for it… Christmas! *insert screeching, head-spinning horror here* We fled back to the safety of the Library, stroked our pet snake, brewed a pot of coffee, and [READ MORE]

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