31 Days of Halloween… with STEPHEN VOLK

October 24, 2016 The Librarian 0

Seven more sleeps till Halloween! Sorry, had to get that out of my system. As we approach the final week of 31 Days of Halloween, it is an immense pleasure to welcome Stephen Volk, “the BAFTA-winning writer of the notorious BBC TV ‘Hallowe’en hoax’ Ghostwatch,” to the Library. Volk’s other screenplays include The Awakening and Ken Russell’s Gothic, and the award-winning ITV drama series Afterlife. While North American audiences are likely to know him primarily from his television and film work mentioned above, he’s [READ MORE]

Watch: Trailer for STEPHEN VOLK’s The Parts We Play

September 20, 2016 The Librarian 0

Stephen Volk’s new short story collection, THE PARTS WE PLAY, is launching this weekend (September 23-25) at FantasyCon by the Sea in Scarborough, England. We won’t tell you anything about the book or the stories in it, largely because after perusing its page on publisher PS Publishing’s website, it’s clear that Stephen wouldn’t want us to. “I like stories in a collection to just creep up on you, unspoilt, unannounced and unfettered by preparatory drivel,” he [READ MORE]