Read an excerpt from Maria Alexander’s SNOWED

December 7, 2016 The Librarian 0

If you like to keep your reading list seasonal, Maria Alexander’s Christmas-themed YA dark fantasy novel Snowed should be on your radar. Released last month from Raw Dog Screaming Press, it tells the tale of robotics whiz Charity and the strange new foster kid her mother brings home, who will soon challenge everything she knows and believes – and put her and her friends in a world of danger. All in all, it’s a wonderful revisionist take [READ MORE]

31 Days of Halloween… with MARIA ALEXANDER

October 7, 2016 The Librarian 0

It’s Friday! And it didn’t slip by on me this week. Since it’s always kind of dark here in the Library, the days have a tendency to blur together – I know, I know, get out more, stop getting lost in all the books. But, but, the to-be-read pile, so hulking, so threatening to crush me… Anyway, speaking of Friday and books, it’s also that day of the week where folks on social media (okay, Twitter mostly) [READ MORE]